Impacting Millions® is the game-changing publicity program, led by Selena Soo, that everyone is raving about.

"Oprah Magazine said YES to me!"

“Oprah Magazine said YESSSSSSSS to me! One of my dreams come true. Thank you, Selena Soo for this course, the encouragement, and these opportunities.”


"This has been a gamechanger!"

“I wasn’t sure I could do it… but the step-by-step of what to do was a game-changer. Since Impacting Millions, I’ve been a source for MindBodyGreen, Women’s Health, Bravo TV, and Cosmopolitan… and landed a local TV segment on Fox!”


"I've been on 25 podcasts!"

“To date, I’ve been featured on around 25 podcasts… The biggest takeaway has been the way that I’ve been able to build relationships with influencers in my industry.”


"I tripled my business revenue!"

“I joined Impacting Millions to get consistent, high-paying clients – and stop the feast or famine in my sales. I did over 60 interviews in my first year of the program, leading to new clients and tripling my business revenue. I discarded clients that didn’t fit my mission and I only have clients I love!”


Do you see other people in your industry getting all the opportunities and wonder,

It’s almost like they’re part of a secret club that you haven’t been invited to. Everyone seems to know who they are. And it’s frustrating to sit back and watch them:

  • Get interviewed on top podcasts or featured in Forbes… when you can’t even track down the contact information of who to pitch.
  • Launch their own podcast & land on the New & Noteworthy list… when you can barely get anyone but your mom to listen to your show.
  • Sell out their online courses and celebrate 6- and 7-figure launches… while you’re trying so hard to get even a trickle of sales.
  • Get invited to speak at major events or to your favorite influencer’s mastermind group… when you struggle to get people to watch your webinars or Instagram stories.
  • Get featured on a “Top 10” or “People to Watch” list… when the last time you’ve been recognized for anything was getting a gold star for your high school English class essay.

You know you need to put yourself out there and get more visibility, credibility & recognition.

But where do you start? And… how?

You have a powerful message to share with the world, too.
The only problem is… they don’t know it yet.

But here’s the good news…

There’s a shortcut to reaching hundreds, thousands, or millions of people, multiplying your credibility, and making a much bigger impact in the world.

But here’s the good news…

There’s a shortcut to reaching hundreds, thousands, or millions of people, multiplying your credibility, and making a much bigger impact in the world.

** YOU NEED **


Impacting Millions® Self Study helps you land dream publicity opportunities to catapult you from best-kept secret to highly sought-after leader.

You’ll attract clients with greater ease while impacting more lives than you ever imagined. Because you’re tired of playing small. Hiding in the shadows while your colleagues shine.

It’s time for you to make a world-changing impact.

  • You land an interview with Amy Porterfield for Online Marketing Made Easy. Thousands of people feel connected to your story. All of a sudden your email list explodes with new people who are excited to hear about your next program.
  • You write an epic thought leadership piece for MindBodyGreen, and it makes the homepage. You check the article, and you see that two hundred people have shared it with THEIR audience, and you’ve got comments galore.
  • A famous influencer everyone follows says, “Would you like to be a guest expert in my group program? I know the hundreds of business owners in the group would love to hear about your work.”

Then other people reach out to you to say, “I’m seeing you everywhere! How can I work with you?!

As you enroll more clients into your programs, you start to collect more success stories and testimonials. And now, whenever someone comes to your site, it’s immediately obvious to them that you’re the go-to expert. The real deal.

They see media logos of all the places you’ve been featured. Testimonials from influencers who endorse your work. Rave reviews from the people you’ve helped. It’s clear that you’re making your mark on the world and that people are recognizing it.

Our students regularly experience this exact scenario inside Impacting Millions®.



When I started my coaching business, I struggled to put myself out there. I’m an introvert and felt much more comfortable staying behind-the-scenes.

My job was helping my clients become the next “big thing” – but I struggled to pursue that visibility & recognition for myself. But I wanted to make a real impact in the world, and in order to do that – I had to let myself be seen.

Despite being a lifelong introvert who shied away from the spotlight, I decided to do something about it. 

It all started by asking the people I’d helped for testimonials and highlighting their praise on my website (and yes, it was even hard for me to do this!) Then, I wrote pieces for Forbes, Fast Company, and Ramit Sethi’s popular I Will Teach You to Be Rich blog.

I pitched myself for top podcasts like Mixergy and Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn. These opportunities cemented my credibility and gave my email list a huge boost of qualified leads.

This high profile media attention attracted tons of new clients and transformed into a multiple 7-figure business. When I ask people what drew them to my work, they say: “I’ve been seeing you everywhere, and I knew it was a sign we’re meant to work together.”


I mustered the courage to put myself out there, and intentionally pursued the right publicity opportunities to position me as a sought-after expert in my field. And now, I want to help you do the same.


Impacting Millions® Self Study is for you if you are an entrepreneur, expert, coach, or service provider who:

  • Has a purpose to inspire, motivate, and ignite others, but you aren’t sure how to reach these people.
  • Has a vision board full of goals like getting featured in major media outlets, getting invited to do a TED Talk, or writing a book.
  • Wants to be known as an industry leader who sells out courses and other programs with ease.

No more waiting to be noticed.

No more spending time convincing people to choose you.

No more having potential clients haggle with you on prices (when you know you’re worth more than what you’re asking in the first place!)

It’s time to put yourself out there with confidence!

MODULE 1: Create Your Plan to Become a Media Star

In Module 1, you’ll create your own strategic publicity plan to make it easier for you to land dream opportunities that take your business to the next level.

  • Discover top 20 media outlets that are right for you, and create an action plan to get these exciting opportunities.
  • Learn how to use publicity to land more 1-on-1 clients, sell out your group program, or land a lucrative book deal.
  • Leverage your publicity so it reaches more people in your target audience and establishes you as an industry leader.

MODULE 2: Get the Media to Fall in Love with You

In Module 2, you’ll learn how to position yourself as a credible expert to the media, even if your business is new and you don’t have a lot of experience.

  • Craft your unique story – one that will inspire reporters to profile you and recommend you to their audience.
  • Discover 17 credibility markers you can use to establish yourself as a leading expert, so that you’re regularly featured on your favorite websites, podcasts, influencer platforms, and TV news shows.
  • Uncover what the media is really looking for when they decide which stories to cover.

MODULE 3: How to Pitch, Land, and Leverage Guest Posts

Guest posts are an easy way to get started with publicity. While print magazines only publish 10 to 12 issues per year and have limited space, online publications constantly look for fresh content.

  • Create attention-grabbing headlines that editors at sites like Business Insider, Forbes, and MindBodyGreen won’t be able to resist.
  • Get the proven formula for writing guest posts that garner hundreds (or even thousands) of likes, shares, comments, and links.
  • Develop a method to follow up with editors and form meaningful relationships with them, so they’ll want to work with you again and again.

MODULE 4: Get Your Story on Top Podcasts

When you share your story on a podcast, it helps you connect with your audience in a more personal way. Module 4 shows you exactly how to land the podcast opportunities of your dreams.

  • Get insider tricks for landing interviews with experts in your industry including on your favorite podcasts.
  • Learn how to ace your podcast interview: I’ll share important tips to help you prepare for the spotlight, and answer some commonly asked questions surrounding podcast interviews.
  • Find out how to use your podcast interviews to create more raving fans – who can’t wait to work with you as private clients or join your group program.

MODULE 5: Secure Guest Expert Opportunities with Industry Influencers

If it’s your goal to be promoted by the biggest influencers in your industry, Module 5 is for you. In today’s world, influencers have their own unique platforms – their membership sites, Facebook groups, premium group programs, and masterminds – where your ideal clients are hanging out.

  • Learn different ways you can collaborate with industry influencers to get introduced to their fans.
  • Discover how to get chosen for these elite opportunities, even if these influencers have no idea who you are.
  • Leverage these guest expert opportunities to enroll more people in your high-end offerings.

MODULE 6: Get Featured in Prestigious Print and Digital Magazines

If you dream of being in one of your favorite magazines, I’ll show you how! This highly coveted opportunity is an excellent way to reach the masses and give your brand a colossal boost. 

  • Discover the secrets to getting YOUR name in top magazines like Oprah, Fast Company, Glamour, TIME, and more.
  • Get insider tips for developing stand-out story ideas and memorable quotes that magazines love to cover.
  • Learn the proper way to follow up and nurture relationships with magazine editors, so you become a trusted resource to them.

MODULE 7: Land Interviews on Popular TV Shows

Want to get the attention of millions of people, instantly? TV allows you to reach the masses and become a household name. Learn the do’s and don’ts of being on TV, so you can make the most of this valuable opportunity.

  • Learn how to get featured as a guest expert on top TV shows including The Today Show, The Dr. Oz Show, Good Morning America, and more.
  • Discover the do’s and don’ts of being on TV so you can put your best foot forward and avoid rookie mistakes.
  • Get my top tips for creating powerful sound bites that turn new fans into regular clients.

To sum it up, Impacting Millions® Self Study shows you how to get the publicity opportunities of a lifetime, so you’re the indisputable choice for your ideal clients.

You’ll learn how to strategically leverage publicity to grow your brand and audience like never before!



7 Video Training Modules by Selena Soo

Lifetime access to 7 content-rich modules that show you how to land podcast and TV interviews, print and online articles, and guest expert spots with your favorite influencers – and how to leverage these opportunities to grow your business.  


50+ Publicity Resources

The Impacting Millions Resource Bank is filled with 50+ fillable worksheets, word-for-word scripts, helpful checklists, and step-by-step templates to save you time and help you get more media features.


7 Video Training Modules by Selena Soo

Lifetime access to 7 content-rich modules that show you how to land podcast and TV interviews, print and online articles, and guest expert spots with your favorite influencers – and how to leverage these opportunities to grow your business.  


50+ Publicity Resources

The Impacting Millions Resource Bank is filled with 50+ fillable worksheets, word-for-word scripts, helpful checklists, and step-by-step templates to save you time and help you get more media features.


Master List of Our Favorite Media Professionals

You’ll love our master list of over 700 media professionals! In it, you’ll find contact information for important media contacts, including staff writers, editors, contributors, and podcasters. This will save you countless hours and ensure you are pitching the right person!


3 Exclusive Bonuses

Get access to our secret list of 100+ contacts for top business publications, discover how Farnoosh became an Oprah personality, plus we share the exact pitches that landed 7 of our clients in Forbes.


Master List of Our Favorite Media Professionals

You’ll love our master list of over 700 media professionals! In it, you’ll find contact information for important media contacts, including staff writers, editors, contributors, and podcasters. This will save you countless hours and ensure you are pitching the right person!


3 Exclusive Bonuses

Get access to our secret list of 100+ contacts for top business publications, discover how Farnoosh became an Oprah personality, plus we share the exact pitches that landed 7 of our clients in Forbes.


Join today and get access to these three exclusive bonuses…

Bonus #1: 7 Pitches That Landed Our Clients in FORBES.

In this bonus, we share the exact pitches that landed seven of our clients and students a coveted Forbes feature.

These are tangible examples that you can use as models for your own pitches… and improve your chances of success!

$300 VALUE

Bonus #2: Our Secret List of 100+ Contacts for Top Business Publications

If you’re dreaming of getting featured in a top business publication and have no idea who to pitch, this list is a gold mine!

We reveal our top 100+ contacts at leading business publications, organized by media outlet. The list includes names, titles, email addresses, and our notes on each person’s topics of interest.

Many of our clients and students have worked with these contacts and been featured in these publications.

$500 VALUE

Bonus #3: How Farnoosh Became an Oprah Personality

Money expert Farnoosh has made it to the top as a monthly contributor at O, the Oprah Magazine and host of her own CNBC primetime show.

She also hosts the popular So Money podcast with guests like Tim Ferriss, Gretchen Rubin, Tony Robbins, Danielle LaPorte, and more! In this bonus, Farnoosh shares her personal story and best advice to become an industry leader.

$300 VALUE

And… if you pay in full, you will also receive a 50-minute bonus call with our head of publicity, which still gives you the opportunity for 1:1 support.

Pay-in-full bonus: 50 minute 1:1 call with our Head of Publicity Sharon Stokes

During this call you’ll have the opportunity to ask Sharon anything media related.

This could include reviewing your media bio, brainstorming story ideas, reviewing a pitch, or answering any questions about the media.

This bonus is to be redeemed within 6 months after purchasing Impacting Millions Self Study. 

$1,500 VALUE


Hiring a PR firm could easily cost you $5,000 – $10,000 per month. (And that’s with a 6 – 12 month minimum commitment.)

But with Impacting Millions Self Study, you’ll learn all you need to know to get your own publicity… forever.

Once you have these skills, you’ll be able to regularly land dream opportunities that most entrepreneurs never get. Plus, you’ll build powerful relationships with the press that are worth their weight in gold.

And I want you to know… Your biggest dreams are within reach. It’s your time to step onto a bigger stage and impact more people.

(It may seem scary at first – but really, keeping your ideas to yourself would be doing the people you could help a disservice.) So…

Are you ready to finally have the courage & confidence to stand in the spotlight and get the publicity you secretly desire & deserve?


Financing options available for extended payment plans (U.S. only)

“Since joining the program, I’ve earned a $9,000 client from my Forbes article, grew my list by 200 people, and so much more.”

My confidence level has skyrocketed as I’ve now proven to myself over and over again that I can show up, be seen, and people are interested in what I have to offer.


“After two months of starting the program (and not even finishing the whole program just yet!), I had a 75% success rate of all of the pitches that I submitted to the media.”


“I’ve had media opportunities like Forbes, Cosmopolitan, USA Today, Parents Magazine, Reader’s Digest, the list goes on and on.”

I keep signing up year after year because of the incredible transformation that not only my businesses had, but my life has had.


“Since joining the program, I’ve earned a $9,000 client from my Forbes article, grew my list by 200 people, and so much more.”

My confidence level has skyrocketed as I’ve now proven to myself over and over again that I can show up, be seen, and people are interested in what I have to offer.


“After two months of starting the program (and not even finishing the whole program just yet!), I had a 75% success rate of all of the pitches that I submitted to the media.”


“I’ve had media opportunities like Forbes, Cosmopolitan, USA Today, Parents Magazine, Reader’s Digest, the list goes on and on.”

I keep signing up year after year because of the incredible transformation that not only my businesses had, but my life has had.


In Impacting Millions® Self Study, I’ll teach you how to get featured in today’s most sought-after media platforms – even if you’re shy, scared of the spotlight, or have never pitched a media outlet before.



Financing options available for extended payment plans (U.S. only)